Nakamoto.Games has hit the crypto scene in a big way, attracting the attention of multiple high-quality venture capital funds. Their most recent partnership comes with Canadian venture capital firm Contango Digital Assets. Contango brings a wealth of marketing services to the up-and-coming blockchain game developer. Nakamoto Games is launching a suite of play-to-earn games while also providing third-party developers with the tools to launch their own gaming creations on their platform. The gaming platform is working towards becoming the leading player in the growing play-to-earn field. All games built on the Nakamoto.Games platform will utilize the native NAKA token. NAKA prize pools will be created each week rewarding the list of top players in each game. The first games on the platform will be seeded by the Nakamoto.Games team. The first of which being Duck Hunters, an homage to the original Nintendo game, Duck Hunt. Users will soon be able to browse and play a marketplace of play-to-earn games. According to Statista, the online gaming industry is estimated at roughly 23.8 billion in 2021 and is growing at a rate of over 20% per year. The number of online gamers worldwide is forecast to reach 1.3 billion in the next four years. Nakamoto.Games is looking to solidify itself as a go-to gaming platform for the next generation of play-to-earn games. In an interview with Contango Managing Director, Mike Grantis says, &ldquoWe&rsquore most excited about the potential for Nakamoto.Games to drive network effect by opening up their SDK to third party developers. By allowing anyone to develop play-to-earn games, they are decentralizing the development of video games and the revenue models associated with building a game.&rdquo While this investment constitutes the venture capital firm&rsquos first diversification into the world of play-to-earn gaming, Contango is no stranger to fueling growth for early-stage blockchain companies. Amongst a suite of value-added services, Contango offers their investee companies access to a range of white-label marketing services. Contango also works closely with influencer marketing agency, Influx, to drive educational content creation for their invested projects. Nakamoto.Games has racked up a network of high-level partners this year (depicted above), and continues their streak with the Contango Digital Assets partnership. The private sale and IDO for the native NAKA token was completed on September 24 th on the Synapse Network. To learn more about Nakamoto.Games and the native NAKA token, visit