Logo Company Country Funding (USD) Funding Type Lead Investor Completion Date
Show Pay China $1.5M Angel Jinghe Touzi 2020-11-01
Medable United States $91M Series C Sapphire Ventures 2020-11-01
Fluree United States $6.5M Seed 4490 Ventures 2020-10-01
Braintrust United States $18M Venture ACME 2020-10-01
Unocoin India $5M Series A Draper Associates 2020-10-01
Covalent Canada $3.1M Seed Woodstock Fund 2020-10-01
Persistance One Singapore $3.7M ICO Arrington XRP Capital 2020-10-01
Boardroom Labs United States $2.2M Seed Standard Crypto 2020-10-01
BTC Direct The Netherlands $12.9M Series A Undisclosed 2020-10-01
Casper Labs Switzerland $14M ICO Digital Strategies 2020-10-01
Transmute United States $2M Seed Kerr Tech Investments 2020-10-01
Cashaa United Kingdom $5M Seed O1ex 2020-09-01
Mercuryo Estonia $2.9M Seed Target Global 2020-09-01
Zero Hash United States $4.7M Seed tastytrade 2020-09-01
Fan-Controlled Football League United States $5.2M Unknown Lightspeed Venture Partners 2020-09-01
Wirex United States $3.2M Crowdfund SBI Holdings 2020-09-01
Equilibrium United States $27K Grant Web3 Foundation 2020-09-01
Skynet Labs United States $3M Seed A.Capital Ventures 2020-09-01
Pure Stake United States $1.4M Seed Hypersphere Ventures 2020-09-01
Robinhood United States $660M Series G D1 Capital Partners 2020-09-01
Data Gumbo United States $4M Series B L37 Venture Partners 2020-09-01
Pixelmatic China $3.1M ICO Charlie Lee 2020-08-01
Dapper Labs Canada $12M Series A Coinbase Ventures 2020-08-01
Republic United States $16M ICO Multiple 2020-08-01
Oin Finance South Korea $1M ICO Multiple 2020-08-01

Show Pay
$1.5M (USD)

Company Show Pay
Country China
Funding (USD) $1.5M
Funding Type Angel
Lead Investor Jinghe Touzi
Completion Date 2020-11-01

$91M (USD)

Company Medable
Country United States
Funding (USD) $91M
Funding Type Series C
Lead Investor Sapphire Ventures
Completion Date 2020-11-01

$6.5M (USD)

Company Fluree
Country United States
Funding (USD) $6.5M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor 4490 Ventures
Completion Date 2020-10-01

$18M (USD)

Company Braintrust
Country United States
Funding (USD) $18M
Funding Type Venture
Lead Investor ACME
Completion Date 2020-10-01

$5M (USD)

Company Unocoin
Country India
Funding (USD) $5M
Funding Type Series A
Lead Investor Draper Associates
Completion Date 2020-10-01

$3.1M (USD)

Company Covalent
Country Canada
Funding (USD) $3.1M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor Woodstock Fund
Completion Date 2020-10-01

Persistance One
$3.7M (USD)

Company Persistance One
Country Singapore
Funding (USD) $3.7M
Funding Type ICO
Lead Investor Arrington XRP Capital
Completion Date 2020-10-01

Boardroom Labs
$2.2M (USD)

Company Boardroom Labs
Country United States
Funding (USD) $2.2M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor Standard Crypto
Completion Date 2020-10-01

BTC Direct
$12.9M (USD)

Company BTC Direct
Country The Netherlands
Funding (USD) $12.9M
Funding Type Series A
Lead Investor Undisclosed
Completion Date 2020-10-01

Casper Labs
$14M (USD)

Company Casper Labs
Country Switzerland
Funding (USD) $14M
Funding Type ICO
Lead Investor Digital Strategies
Completion Date 2020-10-01

$2M (USD)

Company Transmute
Country United States
Funding (USD) $2M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor Kerr Tech Investments
Completion Date 2020-10-01

$5M (USD)

Company Cashaa
Country United Kingdom
Funding (USD) $5M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor O1ex
Completion Date 2020-09-01

$2.9M (USD)

Company Mercuryo
Country Estonia
Funding (USD) $2.9M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor Target Global
Completion Date 2020-09-01

Zero Hash
$4.7M (USD)

Company Zero Hash
Country United States
Funding (USD) $4.7M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor tastytrade
Completion Date 2020-09-01

Fan-Controlled Football League
$5.2M (USD)

Company Fan-Controlled Football League
Country United States
Funding (USD) $5.2M
Funding Type Unknown
Lead Investor Lightspeed Venture Partners
Completion Date 2020-09-01

$3.2M (USD)

Company Wirex
Country United States
Funding (USD) $3.2M
Funding Type Crowdfund
Lead Investor SBI Holdings
Completion Date 2020-09-01

$27K (USD)

Company Equilibrium
Country United States
Funding (USD) $27K
Funding Type Grant
Lead Investor Web3 Foundation
Completion Date 2020-09-01

Skynet Labs
$3M (USD)

Company Skynet Labs
Country United States
Funding (USD) $3M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor A.Capital Ventures
Completion Date 2020-09-01

Pure Stake
$1.4M (USD)

Company Pure Stake
Country United States
Funding (USD) $1.4M
Funding Type Seed
Lead Investor Hypersphere Ventures
Completion Date 2020-09-01

$660M (USD)

Company Robinhood
Country United States
Funding (USD) $660M
Funding Type Series G
Lead Investor D1 Capital Partners
Completion Date 2020-09-01

Data Gumbo
$4M (USD)

Company Data Gumbo
Country United States
Funding (USD) $4M
Funding Type Series B
Lead Investor L37 Venture Partners
Completion Date 2020-09-01

$3.1M (USD)

Company Pixelmatic
Country China
Funding (USD) $3.1M
Funding Type ICO
Lead Investor Charlie Lee
Completion Date 2020-08-01

Dapper Labs
$12M (USD)

Company Dapper Labs
Country Canada
Funding (USD) $12M
Funding Type Series A
Lead Investor Coinbase Ventures
Completion Date 2020-08-01

$16M (USD)

Company Republic
Country United States
Funding (USD) $16M
Funding Type ICO
Lead Investor Multiple
Completion Date 2020-08-01

Oin Finance
$1M (USD)

Company Oin Finance
Country South Korea
Funding (USD) $1M
Funding Type ICO
Lead Investor Multiple
Completion Date 2020-08-01